I have never expressed my faith as I am doing here, but I felt it was my time to say that I learned so much from you Anna Marie, a Saint in my eyes and heart. You taught me to be tolerant of others, to have compassion, and so much more, but most of all you taught me that God is Love and I must always be willing to listen to others and respect their views. You never said anything that was negative about anyone and you treated everyone the same. You lived your life in a most wonderful way. Now, as I enter my last years I must reflect back on my life. I have failed in so many ways. I never really knew which path to take. I left more things undone than I ever finished.
Mom, you made a decision so very many years ago to fight for the unborn life that is me. They said you would die if you gave birth, but they didn't know how close you were to God. You left it in God's hands as you always did and we made it, you and I. We lived !
Here is your Chapel and our untold story. A very small Chapel off the path in a very little corner of the world. It is not as I wanted, or intended, but time is running out. I guess I failed again, but I know you don't feel that way. I taped your voice for my daughter to hear when we talked on the phone one day. I wanted her to be able to hear you. That was so very long ago. She is a woman now and her name is Ann-Marie. You never had a chance to meet her. For those who find their way and understand that you are a Saint, may they find peace in your "Garden". |